Isn’t It Romantic (review)

Isn’t It Romantic (review)

Isn’t It Romantic (review)

Last year, comic Amy Schumer played an insecure woman with a negative body image in I FEEL PRETTY (my review) . This first-cousin film features Rebel Wilson in a strikingly similar story. She’s not happy in her life, which gets even more frustrating when she wakes up in a romantic comedy: everything is beautiful (including her clothes and apartment), she lands a devoted hunk (Liam Hemsworth) and even has an over-the-top gay best friend (Brandon Scott Jones). Things move along pleasantly enough, but the script takes little advantage of Wilson’s natural comic abilities or maybe…she’s better in a supporting role where her intense style can be leavened by others. Either way, there’s not much funny, clever or original about this send-up on the genre.


2 out of 5 stars (2 / 5)


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