Low Country Benedict (our first recipe)

Low Country Benedict (our first recipe)

Low Country Benedict (our first recipe)

There is so much happening with food in Virginia right now, it’s staggering. But one of the old classics is still a star: Hanover tomatoes. I thought long and hard about a creative way to incorporate a number of characteristic Virginia ingredients into an upscale brunch that chefs would crawl over each other to serve. Jason Alley, eat your heart out, but don’t forget, you saw it here first.


This is what I like to call a Low Country Benedict: fried green Hanover tomatoes with Smithfield ham, poached eggs and a pimiento cheese “hollandaise.”  These items are  easily found at local farmers’ markets and/or food shops here in Richmond. Here’s your next Sunday brunch!



Fried Green Hanover Tomato Benedict

with Smithfield Ham & Pimiento Cheese Hollandaise

(click the link for the recipe, which is printable)
